cdavis (8 out of 10 ) An large mass of rock and gas has just crashed right in the middle of your front lawn. You, being the curious little human that you are, decide to approach the large... thing, perhaps grabbing a stick along the way to poke at it with. But before you know it, a huge creature with tentacles leaps out of the crater that was once your yard, and takes off into your neighbor's cornfield. And before you know it, two well-dressed gentlemen arrive, asking you questions about this mysterious happening. You tell them what they want to know, and in return, they pull out what looks like a pen light, and flash it straight into your eyes. Within a minute, you are back in your kitchen, having completely forgotten what took place in your lawn. Good concept for a movie? You're darn right it is. In fact, it's the exact same concept they used for the movie I'm doing this review for. What a coincidence.
No, but seriously. "MEN IN BLACK" tells the story of a secret organization thats main purpose is to investigate illegal alien -- yes, martians, not the people who jump the fence on the border -- activity on planet Earth. Armed with a memory-erasing-flash-pen-thing and a uniform that is only rivaled by that of a sophisticated pimp.
Look, my point is, "MEN IN BLACK" is one of the most original comedies I've seen for quite some time. Now, I won't spoil anything for you guys, but I will close with this: Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith have great chemistry -- not that kind of chemistry, you perverts -- on screen together. Oh, yeah, and Rip Torn does fine too.
anonymous (8 out of 10 ) This was a good movie but not really "The best of the best of the best, sir. With honors". Funny quote though.
anonymos (8 out of 10 ) I don't know why that guy decided to put the story of the film in a review, but my guess is that they don't know what wikipedia is. Good film, a classic.